Some backpacking protips from the rookies.
- Fit your backpack properly.
- Don’t strap any extra weight onto your backpack. It makes it a million times worse.
- Leave the windows open. Stuffy nights aren't fun.
- Don't leave food on the floor of the hostel.
- Stay positive. It'll work out somehow, and freaking out won't help.
- If you’re travelling over the holidays, BOOK YOUR TRAINS IN ADVANCE. ($$$$)
- DEODORANT- Not to be underestimated, keep it handy.
- Listen to TJ.
- Listen to Jayme.
- Wake up late enough, and go to sleep early enough, that you can still turn on the lights without waking up your roommates.
- Invest in a small travel flashlight so that #10 is a non-issue.
- Remember which pj's are glow in the dark. Don't bring those.
- Be ready for colder weather than you think it will be.
- Watch out for slippery surfaces at national monuments.
- Do. Not. Underestimate. Baguettes. (CHEAAAAP.)