Daaaang, Switzerland. You Fine.

/ Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Alright so Geneva is freaking GORGEOUS. Kind of reminds me of the Fraser Valley, all surrounded by mountains and such. Slight difference though- these mountains are the beginning of the ALPS. Uh-huh. Slightly exciting.
*Misty Mountains plays in the background*
We're barely even in Switzerland and we both love it! TJ is EXTRA excited because his camera works again!!! So exciting! He tried it again today just for kicks with a fully-charged battery and it worked! Had to fish out two extra grains of rice from the memory card slot- memoirs from the rice bath- and the lens needed to sit outside of the bag and dry out some more because there was still some condensation in it, I think due to the fact that it's sat in the bottom of TJ's camera bag for the past week, but it works once again!! Back from the dead(I have already suggested naming it Lazarus), so we are happy. No messing around with repair centers, no chasing it around Europe, no buying a new camera (yes, that idea was floated). So, happy happy happy.

Anyhow, here are a few photos from our first taste of Switzerland!
 Genève, je t'aime.
This massive fountain thing that's like the top tourist attraction in Geneva. So. Many. Tourists. (We'll admit, though. As hokey as it sounds, it is pretty impressive.)
De Best boat.
Sweeeeet jungle gym type thing that was in a park we walked through! I want!
And of course, TJ was climbing up in it in no time flat.
It was made of old bike tires! So clever. 
Aaaand we went for a walk at night. So pretty. Also cold. But fully worth it. (double layer pants for life)
And TJ had fun with some long exposure shots. Mhm. I think he's happy to have his camera back.
And I think that's about it! We're just chatting with our families on Skype tonight and then hopefully getting more sleep tonight than we did last night (loud/rude roommates)! Goodnight!

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